

Welcome to my blog. I document my journey as I accomplish 50 new things during My year of 50!

Get a job, sha na na na na na na na na, get a job

Get a job, sha na na na na na na na na, get a job

This song has run through my head for the last six months.

I was blessed to be able to take a year off work as I transitioned in life from married to widowed and from Seattle to Florida.  The first part of the year I spent breathing.  Nice deep breaths. In and out.  I spent the first part of the year enjoying time with my kids as they had wonderful amazing fall semesters- mascot for the undefeated UCF Knights and Homecoming King at UF. I spent the first part learning who I am without my best friend. I spent the first part deepening my relationship with God. I spent the first part planning and focusing on our Christmas trip to Africa.

Then, January arrived.

I was geared up and ready to start working on my Year of 50 list. Getting a job may be one little sentence, one numbered task, but it is so much more.

The season of looking for a job was a season of waiting:  waiting for the state to issue my teaching and principal certifications, waiting, waiting and waiting for the education jobs to open up.  In a situation where most was out of my control or out of my ability to influence, I chose to focus on what I could do.   I chose to focus on things within my control.  I trusted God and I networked.

I walked and prayed, thanking God for the job, staff, bosses and students He had planned for me. I focused on how God has provided for me my entire life, even through great adversities and remembered those times. This inspired me to start keeping a journal of prayers and how God has responded to those prayers. Looking back on those prayers and answers, even only 6 months later, is so powerful. I listened to great Christian music and created my own spotify “Triumph” play list.

I met many kind and generous educators who took time to meet with me, offer advice and guide me through the different school district processes. I asked each administrator I met what they were reading; I bought each book and read. My heart was full of hope and my brain was full of good knowledge and some new ideas.

There were ups and downs, patience and lack of patience, changed vacation plans and ultimately an interview in August and a new job one week after school started. #lovebeinganassistantprincipal

I am a proud Bulldog! I have a wonderful school community and administrative team in which I can continue to make a difference and grow.

In all of this I see clear evidence of how God has guided me to my new work home.  How His plan is the best because He knows so, so much more than I do.

Now the song running through my head is You’re a Good, Good Father. #35✔  

The Tip of America

The Tip of America

A Flipper Experience

A Flipper Experience